Sunday, October 20, 2013


Fall time is HARVEST TIME! Our planting efforts this spring have paid off; we've harvested pounds of Liatris, Lobelia, and Aster among many other species. The work still isn't done since all species bloom at a different time.
Here's a look at picking Aster novae-angliae (New England Aster). The closed flowers(pale purple/gray round clusters) are cut and collected from all plants. After they dry out, they "pop open" and turn into a fluffy tuft. This plant utliizes the wind as transportation for spreading its seeds, so the seed must be picked before they fluff open. 
 The Monarchs were getting every last bit of nectar from the last of the blooms before their migration south. New England Asters are a favorite of the Monarch all year round but are an especially important caloric source before their annual migration.