Friday, June 21, 2013

More Springtime but Almost Summer LIFE!

Scanning for larvae among the thousands of potted plants....
An update from last week's post on the Black Swallowtail caterpillar that came with us to the Des Moines Farmers' Market on Saturday. I brought him home on a plant specially chosen for him. It was the largest 38 cell available at the time, and although it was a downgrade from the mature Zizia aurea from which I snagged him, I expected the plant would satisfy it for the entire market day. I was incorrect. By 9am the plant had been fully harvested, and the caterpillar was ready to move on to the next. Yes, he kept eating(and I thought I LOVED MY GREENS!). After the downtown show, it was moved safely back to the blooming prairie. Thanks little buddy...  Here's another little guy. It's the same species of butterfly at a smaller larval stage!
Not quite as cute in this recently hatched stage as the more matured larva, but still, it's a keeper! I found a large hatching of Black Swallowtail caterpillars on the youngest of the Zizia aurea. WHAT A DAY!
Now for more fungal life

Mutinus elegans 


Elegant Stinkhorn   


  1. Will your little buddy be with you at the Farmer's Market again? He sure was a fat little thing and now I see why. I enjoy your blog very much. Keep it up!

  2. I read this blog entry a couple of days ago and was out in my garden early this morning pulling some weeds. I wondered what the fly was buzzing about and after I shooed him away, what did I see but an Elegant Stinkhorn. I would have never known what it was, but for your photo and explanation. Tell us more about your marvelous prairie!
